Xander: Part One (Rockstar #9) Read online

Page 7

I roll my eyes. "You think teenage girls aren't like that, too?"

  His brows go up. "Yeah? Think you can go again?"

  I snicker. "I could be persuaded."

  I barely finish the sentence and he's on me. I laugh but it quickly turns into a moan.

  He's very good at persuasion.

  Chapter Seven


  "Xan?" Tera calls out.

  "Yeah, in here." I'm just tying my shoes, getting ready to head to school.

  Tera comes in, her face pale.

  Oh shit.

  I walk over to her and pull her into my arms. "What is it, baby?"

  "I'm not sure, Xan."

  I pull back and look at her. "What do you mean? What's going on?"

  I'm rattling off questions so fast I'm surprised she can understand me.

  She bites her lower lip. "I'm bleeding."

  "Oh shit," I mutter. "Okay. No problem. We got this."

  I take her backpack and toss it on my bed then pull her down the stairs behind me.

  "Where are we going?" she asks.

  "It'll be all right," I reassure her. I hope I'm right.

  I walk into the study/my dad's office, dragging Tera along. I could have been a little more gentle. What the hell is wrong with me?

  "Dad?" I call out. He looks up from whatever he's writing.

  "Xan. Tera. Everything all right?" he asks.

  "I'm just going to say this and if you could save the lectures for later, that'd be really great, because there are more important things going on," I rattle off.

  My dad's brows raise and he nods.

  I'm talking fast. I can't help it. I'm panicking and it's not at all what Tera needs.

  I close the door and we walk over to his desk.

  "Last night Tera and I had sex and now she's bleeding and it won't stop."

  He sits back. "I see. Tera, I can call Sandy over if you'd like and we can take a look to see what's going on. But only if you're comfortable."

  Tera nods. "That'd be great Dr. Mac. It's not a lot, but…"

  "You both did the right thing. If you have concerns, it's better to get it checked out than to just ignore them," Dad says, and Tera visibly relaxes.

  I wish I could relax. But I can't. What if I hurt her? What if… I don't know… I knocked something around in there somehow? I was pretty rough that last time, but she said it didn't hurt. The way she was moaning and coming I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth. Fuck. Now I'm sporting a semi. Just thinking about her does that. Damn it.

  Mr. Martinez' ass crack. Mr. Martinez' ass crack.

  I shudder and I'm no longer hard. I wonder how long that's going to work.

  It's not long before Sandy shows up.

  "Hi, kids," she greets. "Let's get the show on the road so you're not too late for school."

  We go into the small examination room my dad has in the house—just in case.

  "We're going to need you to take everything off from the waist down, Tera." Sandy hands her a paper sheet. That sucks.

  Tera blushes.

  "I can get naked from the waist down, too, if it helps," I offer.

  She snickers.

  Sandy laughs.

  "That's probably part of what got you here in the first place," Dad teases.

  "No lie," I admit. Tera shoots me a look and shakes her head. Apparently, when I'm nervous and it has anything to do with my girlfriend, I have diarrhea of the mouth and I talk faster than a human should.

  She hops up on the table, drapes that paper shit over her lap and lies back. Sandy helps put her feet in the metal things. What the fuck? Chicks have it rough.

  "Are you comfortable with Xander in the room?" my dad asks.

  "What the fuck, Dad?" I grit out.

  "Calm down. She's the patient. Her comfort is priority."

  "No, I want him here." Tera squeezes my hand. I'm not letting go. Hell no. We're in this together.

  Sandy turns on some light and shines it right on Tera's pussy. Oh boy. My dad seeing my girl's downstairs stuff is so not my idea of a good time—doctor or not.

  He gloves up and my ass puckers in response to the sound. I don't know why. Christ, I'm losing it.

  "Let's take a look," Dad says and scoots his chair closer.

  I'm not watching that shit. I turn and look at Tera, who looks uncomfortable, but she's not freaking out. Nope. Only me.

  I rub my thumb against the inside of her wrist and she forces a smile.

  "Tera, if you're going to be sexually active, have you considered going on some form of contraceptive?" Dad asks.

  "It was just last night, but yeah. What do you recommend?" she asks, her voice soft.

  "You have the choice of oral birth control pills, which you have to take every day. If you forget, you have a chance of getting pregnant if your partner isn't being responsible and wearing a condom," he says, giving me a look.

  "I wear them! Every time."

  "Good. The other option, Tera, is the birth control shot, which lasts for three months. You may get irregular spotting or you may not get a period at all. The last option is the birth control implant. It's tiny and it goes just beneath the skin. It's effective for five years. Again, with this, you may get the irregular periods and spotting."

  "So, the pill is the one that would help regulate her period?" I ask.

  Dad nods. "When are you expecting your next period, Tera?"

  "This week." She blushes bright red.

  He nods. "You two can breathe easy. There's nothing unusual going on. You just started your period. Sometimes sex can trigger the start of menses. There are different reasons for this."

  "Like?" I ask, hoping he doesn't say rough sex because I'll feel like an asshole.

  "If she hasn't had sex on a regular basis, that can set off hormonal changes. If she was on the cusp of beginning her menses already, then sex can also trigger it to start early. You didn't do anything wrong, Xan. Trust me, if you do something that can hurt one another, you'll know it."

  I nod at my father. I've got a pretty cool old man.

  "Are you good at remembering to take medications, Tera? Because, I personally would recommend you taking the pill, at least for a while, to keep your periods regular. If you want to change in a year or two to a different method, that's perfectly fine."

  "The pill sounds good, Dr. Mac."

  Sandy snickers.

  "What are you laughing at?" Dad teases.

  "I knew we'd be having this discussion with them the first day he brought Tera and Linc home from school," Sandy says, grinning.

  Dad sighs and nods. "I did as well. I'm not going to tell you you can't have sex. I know how it works—I say 'no' and you say 'yes' and do it anyway. What I am going to tell you is that if you're going to be sexually active, use protection—both of you. Doubling up on protection is a very good thing just in case one method fails. The best method of contraception is abstinence," Dad says with a smirk, "but I'm pretty sure that isn't the method you both would choose."

  He stands up from his chair.

  "So, I'll bring you home some samples from the office today. Tera, you can start taking the pills on Sunday. Take one at the same time every day. Try very hard not to miss any or the effectiveness lowers a great deal." He tosses the gloves into the trash and washes his hands.

  "Any questions?"

  Tera shakes her head.

  "Yeah," I say.

  "Of course," Sandy teases.

  I smirk. "So, if we're exclusive and not banging anyone but each other," I begin, grinning when my dad rolls his eyes at the word banging, "do we need condoms or is there something else to use instead?"

  "You are such a guy," Sandy chortles.

  "Well, yeah."

  I can't tell if Dad wants to laugh or cry.

  "My recommendation is condoms, Xan. But if you don't have any available, then I'd recommend a spermicide. Again, condoms are more effective than a spermicidal agent."

  I nod. "Okay."

  Tera sit
s up.

  "I'm not going to tell Rosa or Jose about this. It's up to you if you're comfortable doing so. Just know that you can both come to me, together or separately, at any time to talk about anything. No judgments. No recriminations."

  "You are such a cool dad," I tell him.

  "On the inside I'm not. Trust me, if you could hear some of the thoughts going through my head, you'd know I'm not cool."

  "But you're not saying them aloud, as much as you want to. That's what makes you cool," I tell him.

  He nods and smirks. I can tell he wants to smile bigger, but he holds back.

  "Tera, there are some tissues there to wipe the gel off. I took samples for a pap smear to make sure everything is okay in there. I should have the results in a week, maybe less, but from what I saw, everything looks good."

  "Thank you, Dr. Mac. I know this isn't your idea of a good time, but I feel so much better now. I thought there was something wrong. I never had irregular bleeding before."

  He nods. "Get dressed, grab some breakfast, and I'll write you both notes for school excusing you for being late.”

  I hug my dad and he hugs me back—really tight.

  "Just be careful, son," he whispers in my ear.

  I nod.

  He pats my back twice, then lets go.

  Sandy follows my dad out of the room and Tera cleans up that goopy shit and gets dressed.

  She huffs as she puts the pad Sandy left for her on her underwear. "Leave it to you to screw me so good I start my period."

  "Better to start it than not get it, right?" I joke.

  "Not funny."

  I hold her against me. "No, it's not funny. I'm glad you're okay. I thought I hurt you."

  "I could tell. You were talking so fast."

  I nod and swallow hard. "I love you, Tera."

  "I love you, too."

  "I'll always take care of you. No matter what."

  She grins. "Even if it means going to your dad and confessing you had sex with your girlfriend last night?"

  I laugh. "Yeah. Even then."

  "We better go eat. I'm sure Mrs. M is wondering what's going on," Tera worries.

  "Nah. My dad has us covered."

  "I'm hungry."

  "Me too." We walk out of the room and head toward the kitchen. I lean close to her ear and whisper, "I’m sorry that you had to worry like that."

  "Not your fault, babe. It happens. It might happen again some day. If it does, I'm going to laugh at you while you freak out instead of letting you freak me out along with you," Tera teases.

  I kiss her softly. Best girlfriend ever.

  If I thought things at school would be smooth, I was sadly mistaken. Tera and I have three classes together and we both missed the first one. After getting our pass we head to our next class. It's good. We walk in holding hands. This isn't the first time. It's not as if we haven't been together for a few days already.

  It's silent. Everyone stares. Then the whispers start. I can hear some of the prissy chicks talking shit about my girl. That's not going to work for me.

  I shoot a glare over at them and they blush and look down.

  After turning in our passes, we sit in our desks. Tera's a little pale and quiet. Too quiet. I'm not going to let anyone bring her down. I'm not going to let anyone talk shit about her or us.

  The morning flies by and before I know it, it's lunch. The guys and I walk into the cafeteria together. Tera always comes in with Shea and I see them already sitting down at a table—a table that isn't our table. A table where Carter Winters is sitting. What the fuck?

  "Dude," Jesse says, shaking his head.

  "What the fuck?"

  "They were together for a long time. They're friends and I'm sure she doesn't want to flaunt your relationship in front of him," Kennedy reasons.

  "Maybe," I reluctantly agree. I want her with me, next to me, at our table, because looking at things right now, it seems as if nothing has changed, but everything's changed.

  We walk past Tera and Shea. I run my hand across her back as I pass by. She turns and smiles up at me, her eyes pleading for understanding. I sigh and nod. I don’t like it, but I get it.

  "This won't be happening for long," I say as we sit at the table.

  "Nah," Linc agrees. "It's only been a couple days."

  "Yeah, but it's been a couple days that she's still been at his table. When is she going to sit here with me?" I ask aloud, sounding like a chick.

  Ethan shrugs a shoulder. "Don't know, man, but I imagine it's not easy for her."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Don't be dumb. You've heard them talking shit," Ethan answers.

  "Wait. They say shit to her? Not just the whispers?"

  "You really are an idiot," Ben tells me.

  "Of course they talk shit to her. They want you and she's got you. What do you think happens when you've got jealous prissy rich bitches wanting you for themselves? They sure as hell aren't going to talk shit to you. They're going to what they think is the weakest link—your girl," Kennedy informs me.

  "She's not weak. Why's she letting this happen?" I'm confused.

  "Why are you?" Jesse asks.

  Yeah. Good question.

  "Fuck this," I say. "Let's go." I grab my tray and head over to where Tera's sitting. We pull up extra chairs and invade her space.

  I hear them and I know she does too. I can tell by the rigid set of her shoulders.

  Gold digger… slut… easy lay… trash.

  I turn around and stand up and walk over to their table. I slam my hand down hard. You could hear a pin drop.

  "That's enough!" I shout. "You will show some respect."

  "Yeah, I don't think so," Amy replies. Head cheerleader. Head bitch. All her minions are quiet, but not her. Never her. She's one of those chicks whose parents have money and has a false sense of entitlement because of it. She thinks she's it but she's not.

  Tera's it.

  "I think so. Either you stop your bullshit or I'm going to ask Tera to handle this. I can guarantee you, you don't want that," I smirk.

  Tera looks over, grinning.

  "C'mere, baby," I call out.

  Carter's brows are up almost into his hairline. Did he really think I'd let them treat her badly? No. That's the same as them treating me like shit, because we are us.

  Tera walks over with a sassy smirk and I get a little hard. This girl.

  I reach for her hand and she gives it freely. I tug her into my side, wrapping my arm around her waist. She leans into me.

  "Now, Amy. I believe you owe Tera an apology," I demand.

  "For what? Telling the truth?" Amy stands up. I suppose she feels at a disadvantage with us looking down on her.

  "There isn't an ounce of truth in that bullshit you're spewing."

  Amy crosses her arms and Tera's hand twitches at my side. Amy's gonna get her ass kicked. I can already see it happening.

  "It's all true!" Amy shouts. "She's trash. She was with Carter because he's rich and popular and now she's with you for the same reason!"

  Tera snorts. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Don't I? They didn't take you in when your mom overdosed? Your mom was a crackhead and a whore who didn't give two shits about you. You are trash," Amy says, poking Tera in the chest.

  Tera's eyes narrow. "First, my mom didn't do crack. It was heroin. Second, they didn't take me in when she died, they took me in years before that. Third, and this is something you wouldn't know because you don't know me, but I have money. You see, my dad was wealthy, which means my mom was wealthy. She may have been a drug addict, but she wasn't trash and neither am I. You might want to get your facts straight before you start running your cock-sucking mouth."

  Amy's eyes widen. "You don't know what you're talking about either."

  I can see the fear in Amy's eyes now and I know Tera's going to reveal to the entire cafeteria what she knows. An eye for an eye and all that.

  "Oh, I know plenty
," Tera says, stepping up into Amy's space. Amy flinches. "You think I don't know you tried to fuck Carter when we were together? Yeah, I know about that, because the thing you don't get about guys like Carter and Xan? They don't like cheap sluts like you. They like girls with morals and integrity. Neither of them knew I had money and you flaunt yours—yet they. Both. Chose. Me."

  "You bitch!" Amy sneers.

  Tera laughs. "And let's not forget how you blew half the football team."

  "You're a liar," Amy counters.

  "No, I'm not. When you're with your quarterback boyfriend enough, his friends forget that you're just his girl. They treat you like one of them and they talk about everything. So, you might want to be more careful when you're whoring around. All that talk makes you sound like trash," Tera sneers.

  I'm so hot for her right now. I'm not kidding. I'm hard. Holy shit, she's amazing.

  "You're the trash! You may have money but you're a nobody! Just some bitch who's fucking her way through—"

  And that's it. Tera cuts her off with a slap to the face. Amy's hand flies up to her cheek, her eyes wide.

  "You will watch what you say," Tera bites out between her teeth, her face right in Amy's.

  Amy cocks out her hip and I hear Linc chuckle. Stupid girl.

  "Or what?"

  "Or I'm going to make you eat your own words. I'm going to shove them back down your throat with my fist—probably along with a few teeth," Tera mocks.

  "See? You are trash!"

  Crack! One-hitter quitter.

  Blood pours from Amy's mouth… but she still hasn't learned.

  With a screech, she lobs a fist toward Tera. Tera blocks it with an arm, just as we taught her, and uses the other to throw a jab at Amy's face. Now blood sprays everywhere.

  "You bitch! You broke my nose!" Amy screams.

  "I warned you," Tera says.

  "You're going to pay for this," Amy cries out as she runs from the cafeteria.

  "Miss Weisman. Go to the health room," Principal Abrams commands. "Miss Ramirez? My office. Now."

  Tera meets my gaze and I laugh.

  "That was sexy as hell!" I tell her.

  "We taught her well," Linc says, coming up behind us and patting Tera on the back.

  Jesse grabs Tera, lifts her, and spins her around. "Is it wrong that I'm hard right now?”