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Interlude (Rockstar #4) Page 6

  Cage's brows raise briefly.

  I sigh, knowing he's not going to give in without me telling him why. "All right. Here's the story…"

  Chapter Ten



  I knew the story from Lucy and from Sera, but I needed to hear it from Jesse, to see his reaction, to weigh it and see if it is the real thing. It is.

  It's been no secret that Lucy's been hung up on Jesse for as long as I can remember, and whenever I mention him or Falling Down, she perks up and her smile lights up the room. I want that for her—that happiness. I want her to get past all the things that happened—things we can't change, things she won't let us deal with properly, and I know that Jesse's the perfect one to help her.

  Seeing him now, watching the emotions pass over his face, each one reflected even more strongly in his eyes, I know he's serious about her. Seeing as he's been wandering aimlessly for the last couple years, I think Lucy's going to be perfect for him too. They'll be perfect for one another.

  I'll make it happen, but neither of them are going to know for sure until the first day of filming. When they see each other again, their reactions, their emotions, they'll tell me the rest of what I need to know. If I don’t see what I need to, I'll steer them apart. If I see forever in their eyes, the rest will work itself out. Gio would expect nothing less.

  After that, it'll be Sera's turn—with me.

  Chapter Eleven



  After an early morning meeting the first day of filming, Cage still doesn't divulge who the actresses are going to be for the video. I'm wound up tighter than a virgin on prom night. Shit.

  I start to pace and Kennedy walks in.

  "Dude. You need to chill."

  "No shit. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. I can't stop moving because if I do, then I sit there and think and wonder. Fucking Cage. The dick. He should just tell me if he got them or not. This is fucking torture, man," I spit out as I continue to pace.

  Kennedy leans against the doorframe, crosses his feet at his ankles and his arms across his chest, watching me with an amused grin. The fucker.

  "We're going to find out in a couple hours. Why don't we go grab something to eat and by the time we're done, whoever they are will be here," he suggests.

  I nod. "Yeah. That's good. I gotta get the hell out of here."

  "Yeah, I'm sure Cage wouldn't appreciate you wearing a path in his nice carpeting," Kennedy muses.

  "Fuck off, man."

  Kennedy chuckles. We head out of the office and head outside.

  "What are you going to do if it's her?" he asks.

  I look him straight in the eyes and tell him the truth.

  "Whatever it takes."

  "That seems to be the motto where she's concerned."

  It is and it will be until she's mine. "I've waited a long time."

  "Normally I wouldn't consider whoring around 'waiting' but knowing how hooked on her you've been from the first time you met her, yeah, I'd have to say you waited long enough." He pauses as we get into the car, then he turns to me with a grin. "I really hope it's her."

  "Me too."

  "I don't mean for the same reasons you do," he explains. "I can't wait to see how hard you've got to work for it."

  I grunt.

  "Whatever it takes? She’s worth 'whatever it takes'? You never know what that can mean, man," he reminds me.

  "She's worth that and more."

  Kennedy studies me a minute, then nods. "Whatever it takes."

  We get temporarily waylaid by makeup and wardrobe when we get back to the building where we're filming. It doesn't take long. We made a stipulation a long time ago that we do videos as ourselves and that's it. No messing with the hair and no eyeliner. That shit's for chicks.

  When we head to the stage, we hear music.

  "What the fuck?" I bite out.

  "Who's playing my guitar?" Ben sneers. "I'll break a motherfucker's fingers."

  "Whoa, hold up," Kennedy instructs and we all look at him. "Listen."

  A female voice is belting out P!nk's Who Knew and whoever she is, is pretty fucking good.

  We stand there a few minutes, just listening, and when whoever it is segues into Red's Never Be The Same a shudder runs through me. They're that fucking good.

  "Who the fuck is that?" Ethan asks.

  "I dunno but they're kick ass," I answer.

  "Only one way to find out," Xander tells us and starts forward.

  When we round the corner I can't believe what I'm seeing. I know my eyes are bugging out like some damn cartoon character when I see my Lucy singing her heart out, strumming Ben's acoustic guitar, while Sera is banging it out on the drums.

  "Fuck me," I whisper and the guys just shake their heads.

  "Dude," Xander mutters and fist bumps me.

  "Let's go," Ben says and heads over to plug in and pick up his guitar.

  I walk up to the mic and we all join in on the chorus. Lucy's head turns to me, eyes wide, and I give her the smile I've been holding in for a long fucking time. The one of pure happiness. The one I knew would come out when I saw her again.

  Shit. She's gorgeous and her voice has my cock hard and aching. She smiles back, a genuine happy, stretch-across-your-entire-face smile that fills the room with light. I am so fucked over this girl.

  Sera gasps and I look to see Xander standing next to her, his arms crossed, grin on his face.

  I look back to Lucy who just stares at me—almost like she did in the airport. Hell no. That isn't happening. Not this time.

  "Well, say something. We know you can sing so we know your voice works," I smirk.


  I tilt my head to the side then look at Sera as she walks up.

  "Yep, it's us," Sera announces.

  I can’t help it. I burst out laughing. "I'd know that 'um' anywhere."

  She thrusts Ben's acoustic out at me, rigidly, unsure, and mutters, "Here. Sorry."

  She stands up from the stool, fidgeting, and then she flips her hair over her shoulder. Sexy as fuck.

  I take the guitar with one hand then throw my other arm around her, pulling her in for a hug. I can't resist and she smells better than I remember.

  "Lucy," I whisper.

  The feel of her body against mine—incredible. She tucks in nicely to my chest, her arms wrapping around me.

  When she doesn't say anything, I lean back and lift a brow. "Really? Still no words?

  "Huh?" she says.

  "Again?" I ask with a smirk.

  Sera sighs. "She only gets like that around you."

  I give her a look of disbelief. No way. I'm nowhere near her league—not that I ever was. I'm just a rocker and she's… she's perfect.

  "Seriously," Sera tells me.

  "What's going on?" Ben asks.

  "Holy Mother of God," Lucy mutters under her breath.

  We all start laughing at her tone.

  "Um, sorry we touched your precious," she says, pointing to Ben's guitar.

  Ben chuckles. "Normally I'd want to break your fingers, but since you knew what you were doing and used her for good instead of evil, I'll say it's no problem."

  "What constitutes evil?"

  "Taylor Swift," he answers matter-of-factly.

  Lucy laughs and I smile.

  Ben nods. "Why are you two not in a band? You're fucking terrific."

  Lucy shrugs. "Long story."

  "They always are," Ben tells her.

  Cage walks up. "Well, I see you've already met."

  "Sort of," Sera says.

  Cage smiles. "I heard you both. I'm going to talk you out of that shitty acting and modeling and into music if it's the last thing I do."

  "We were just goofing around. It's been forever since we've done any serious playing," Sera tells him, handing Lucy a bottle of water.

  "Thanks." Lucy's voice is a bit hoarse, probably sore from not being used regularly then belting it out like she did.r />
  "It didn't sound like it. It sounded like you've been doing this forever," Xander says.

  I hand Lucy a peppermint Life Saver.

  "Helps," I tell her when she looks at me confused, then motioning to her throat.

  She nods and grins. "Thanks."

  "Cage, dude, Jesse's met these hotties before," Xander says with a grin.

  "Is that right?" Cage answers and I can't help but wonder why Cage is acting as if he doesn't already know this.

  Lucy nods. "A lifetime ago."

  I frown, not liking the way that sounds. "It hasn't been that long."

  "It has. I was untainted by the wicked ways of Hollywood."

  "Not true, Luce. You'd acted before," Sera interrupts.

  "Those were shit parts and that doesn't count."

  "It all counts in Hollywood, darling," Ben says.

  "So you're all tainted now, huh?" I ask, not liking the way that sounds either.

  She just shrugs as Spenser comes flitting up. "Damn you Luciana Antonia Russo."

  "Oh, now you've done it. He three-named you," Ethan teases.

  Lucy sends him a scared look and he chuckles.

  "It's not that bad, Spense," she tries placating.

  "Woman, you don't have a mirror and I have my eyes right on you. You've chewed off your Stalker Red lipstick."

  I laugh, I can't help it. Stalker Red.

  Her jaw drops. "Is it seriously called Stalker Red?"

  Spenser rolls his eyes then cuts a glance to me. "No, but that would have fit with her girlie crush on you, right?"

  Lucy gasps and I chuckle. So, she still has a crush on me. It's a start.

  Spenser waves his hand. "It's really called Make Out Red."

  Lucy just blinks. I start to tell her I'd definitely make out with her, red or no red lipstick, but she points at me and I close my mouth.

  "Not a word," she scolds.

  I just laugh, as do the rest of the guys.

  "I'm not sure which is worse," she mutters as Spenser dabs and blots.

  "Stalker, definitely stalker," Spenser says with a shudder. "Yours isn't so bad. Sera's is called Smitten Lovey Dovey."

  Lucy smirks and Sera rolls her eyes.

  "I don't care what it's called, let's just fix it so we can get started," Cage says with a laugh.

  "Spense, I love you," Lucy says, leaning in to hug him. Spenser cuts her off mid motion with an index finger to the middle of her forehead.


  "I just wanted to hug you." She pouts.

  "No. You'll mess up what we," he says, pointing to him and Simone and Carmen, "just fixed after you and Serafina Rosalie Manzini decided to play rockstar."

  "Hey," she says pouty. "We could be for real if we wanted." They could. They're fucking kick ass.

  "Not if your mother has anything to say about it," he retorts as he clips closed his makeup case and sashays away.

  Lucy turns back to us with a bland look. We're all smirking and when she narrows her eyes, our grins get bigger. She's too damn cute. I want to laugh out loud for no reason other than Lucy's right there.

  "Don't render me speechless by staring at me with all your rockstar hotness."

  "It'll happen," Sera says with a shrug. "Jesse's here."

  Lucy nods and they all grin and look at me, grinning like an idiot.

  She smirks. "It's a curse."

  I frown. "Hey!"

  Then she lets out a laugh, so happy and pure I can't help but laugh with her. She's got me all tied up in knots and she has no clue.

  My eyes roam over her body, pausing at the diamond winking in her belly button. That is fucking hot. I want to lick and suck on that spot on her skin. I wonder if she's got any other piercings. I wonder if she'll like mine. I imagine her mouth latching on to my pierced nipples, tugging and suckling on them. Shit. Fuck.

  "Let me introduce you to everyone, though likely you know who we all are, if I remember correctly," I tell her, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.

  Sera whispers, "Stalker fangirl."

  Lucy elbows her and blushes. Damn. She really is beautiful.

  "My brother, Ben Kingston on lead guitar, Ethan Ashcroft on bass, Kennedy Caldwell on rhythm guitar and boards, and Xander Mackenzie on drums. Guys this is Lucy Russo and Sera Manzini. We met a few years back in the Chicago airport of all places."

  "That we did," Sera says with a grin. "I still have a magnificent picture of your ass on my cell."

  I laugh and shake my head. "That doesn't surprise me. Not at all."

  Sera shrugs. "Since Lucy was a bit wrapped up," she gives us a pointed look, "someone had to take the pictures. Memories and all that."

  "Uh-huh," Ben says with a grin. "Sounds like spank bank pics to me."

  "God," Sera says with a laugh. "Women don't have 'spank banks'."

  "Then what is it you have, because we all know women rub them out just as much as guys do."

  Lucy laughs and mouths "rub them out" to Sera, who laughs.

  Sera nods. "We do. There's no denying it, but unlike most, Lucy and I have photographic memories."

  "Enough said," Ben says with appreciation.

  "And with the right vibrator, you don't even need an image—though I'm sure Lucy still conjures up Jesse after all this time."

  "This is the oddest moment of my life," Lucy says aloud to no one in particular.

  "If you're done?" Cage asks, smiling.

  Xander wiggles his eyebrows. "Damn, Cage. You got us our very own movie star and model."

  "Dude," Ethan says and they fist bump.

  Lucy turns to face Cage and I reach out to rest my hand on her lower back. It feels good to be able to reach out and touch her, and when a shiver runs through her at my touch, I smile inside. She still likes my touch.

  She takes a deep, steadying breath and I start circling my thumb. Her breathing picks up. Good.

  She looks at me but I'm looking at Cage, all innocent and shit.

  "So, what's the plan Cage?" Lucy asks.

  Cage outlines the overall storyboard for the shoot, then runs through the sequence it will be captured to minimize wardrobe and makeup changes.

  "It should take a couple days, maybe more to get it just the way we want it."

  "Cool," Xander says and taps his drumsticks together. "Let's get to it."

  Chapter Twelve



  "Dude, your girl is crazy sexy," Ethan tells me.

  "Stop looking, fucker," I tell him, half-teasing… okay, not teasing. She was scantily clad in that last scene and rocking some sexy fucking boots. I kept picturing her naked with nothing but those boots on, her legs wrapped around my waist as I fucked her until she screamed. That's why I've been hard all damn day. It's been worth it.

  Ethan chuckles and Xan gives me a shove. "You've got it so bad for her."

  "Yeah, tell me something I don't know."

  Ben turns to look at me. "You gonna make a move?"

  I shrug, when inside my nerves are jumping with excitement. "When the time's right."

  Ben shakes his head. "Fuck that. The time is never right. Just do it."

  "He's right," Kennedy tells me. "Besides, wasn't it you who said you've waited long enough?"

  Fuck. He's right. What am I waiting for?

  I nod. "Let's go find pretty Lucy."

  They all smirk and we head to the back rooms.

  As we approach we hear Sera say, "I'm on hiatus until further notice from modeling."

  Lucy responds with a surprised, "You didn't tell me that."

  We all just kind of stand outside listening, knowing we shouldn't be.

  "It's not what I want to do. Sure, it's glamorous and makes me feel sexy, but I want to eat a cream-filled donut. If I want to eat the entire pint of Ben & Jerry's Salted Caramel Core, then I'm going to eat the entire fucking thing."

  "Damn right you are! You can have a fat ass like me." And there's my opening because Lucy's ass is prime.

>   "Cupcake, your ass is anything but fat," I announce, walking in the back.

  Lucy stares at Sera for a minute, eyes wide.

  "Jesse Kingston, what are you doing back here? We could have been naked," Sera says with a grin.

  "A man can hope."

  "How disappointing for you," Lucy says with a flirty smile.

  "Not so much. You're still here," I reply with a wink.

  I hear her quiet gasp and give her a minute. I sit in the chair next to hers while Ben heads to the sofa. Next come Kennedy, Ethan, and Xander.

  "Sera?" Lucy asks.

  "Yeah, Luce?"

  "Why? Why is it they come back here when we've just gotten our makeup scrubbed off and our hair thrown up in messy buns while we sport our yoga pants and t-shirts? We looked fucking amazing no more than ten minutes ago."

  Oh hell no. She looks fucking amazing right now.

  Sera lets out a loud sigh. "It's our curse."

  Lucy nods and presses her gorgeous lips together. "We have a lot of curses."

  "True story," Sera murmurs.

  We just stare at them. With or without makeup, they're stunners.

  "Stop staring! I know I look like shit, okay? Makeup-less Lucy isn't a great sight to behold."

  "Oh, I don't know," Xander says. "I think you look just as hot without makeup as you do with it. Maybe hotter since it's real."

  I let out a growl and Lucy's eyes widen. Xander grins and Ben winks at Lucy.

  "Did he just growl?" she asks.

  Ben winks again.

  "Well, thank you Xander for the compliment. That's very sweet of you to say." Hell, I want to growl again, throw her over my shoulder, and take her somewhere where I can make her mine.

  "Great shirt," Ethan tells Lucy with a wink.

  "Thanks. Deftones put on an amazing concert."

  "Avenged Sevenfold?" he asks.

  "Yeah baby." I frown. Her calling him baby doesn't work for me at all.


  "M. Shadows is so damn sexy." I frown harder.

  "Oh my God," Sera moans. "There are no words. M. Shadows," she says with reverence and Lucy grins.

  "Mmm," Lucy groans, leaning back in her chair, wiggling her toes.